CAS : Our Only Factory Authorized Reseller of Used EB Equipment
The longevity and popularity of Express Blower machines has led to a vibrant used equipment resale market. In 2010, Express Blower, Inc. officially partnered with CAS to assist in the sale of used Express Blower® machines. While customers still speak directly with the Express Blower, Inc. sales team on the sale of both its new and used equipment, CAS is responsible for securing the used equipment inventory and refurbishing the machines to get them in sellable condition.
Purchase of a used Express Blower machine from CAS includes personalized operator safety training and is recognized by Express Blower, Inc. as having been conducted by a certified trainer.
When researching an Express Blower used equipment purchase, if you buy from someone other than Conveyor Application Systems (CAS), you will be required to purchase operator safety training from Express Blower, Inc. prior to receiving any technical and/or parts assistance from us. Hourly fees for continued technical assistance may also apply. These fees apply only to those who have purchased EB equipment outside of EB or Conveyor Application Systems (CAS). Click here to view factory authorized used equipment.
FE-Series Volvo [chassis] blower trucks manufactured prior to 1998 have become obsolete pieces of equipment. Therefore, support at the same level as other Express Blower equipment isn’t possible. Components are often not stocked, and in some cases, parts may not be available at all. We will support as best we can as common or crossover parts are affected, but please be aware of the obsolete nature of these chassis’ before purchasing.